Pedro Mairal, Het verdwenen jaar van Salvatierra (Argentinië 2008)
Eduardo Sacheri, The Secret in Their Eyes (Argentinië 2005)
Kate Grenville, The Idea of Perfection (Aus 1999)
Kate Grenville, The Secret River (Australië 2005)
Jane Harper, The Dry (Australië 2016)
Gail Jones, Sixty Lights (Australië 2004)
Hannah Kent, Burial Rites (Australië 2013)
David Malouf, The Great World (Australië 1991)
D.K. Mok, The Other Tree (Australië 2014)
Daniel O'Malley, The Rook (Australië 2012)
Daniel O'Malley, Stiletto (Australië 2016)
Nevil Shute, On the Beach (Australië 1957)
Graeme Simsion, The Rosie Project (Australië 2013)
Madeleine St. John, The Women in Black (Australië 1993)
Bangla Desh
Tahmima Anam, The Good Muslim (Bangla Desh 2011)
Griet Op de Beeck, Vele hemels boven de zevende (België 2013)
Stefan Brijs, De engelenmaker (België 2005)
Stefan Hertmans, Oorlog en terpentijn (België 2013)
Dimitri Verhulst, De laatkomer (België 2013)
Dimitri Verhulst, De laatste liefde van mijn moeder (België 2010)
Kunzang Choden, The Circle of Karma (Bhutan 2005)
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist (Brazilië 1988)
Luis Fernando Verissimo, De spionnen (Brazilië 2009)
André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs (Canada 2015)
Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad (Canada 2005)
Alan Bradley, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (Canada 2009)
Alan Bradley, The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag (Canada 2010)
Alan Bradley, A Red Herring Without Mustard (Canada 2011)
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle (Canada 2008)
Robertson Davies, What's Bred in the Bone (Canada 1985)
Robertson Davies, The Lyre of Orpheus (Canada 1988)
Rivka Galchen, Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch (Canada 2021)
Jessica Grant, Come, Thou Tortoise (Canada 2009)
A.S.A. Harrison, The Silent Wife (Canada 2013)
Wayne Johnston, The Colony of Unrequited Dreams (Canada 1998)
Lori Lansens, The Girls (Canada 2005)
Emily St. John Mandel, Station Eleven (Canada 2014)
Emily St. John Mandel, The Glass Hotel (Canada 2020)
Anne Michaels, Fugitive Pieces (Canada 1996)
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables (Canada 1908)
Alice Munro, The View from Castle Rock (Canada 2006)
Alice Munro, Dear Life (Canada 2012)
Louise Penny, Still Life (Canada 2005)
Louise Penny, A Fatal Grace (Canada 2006)
Tom Rachman, The Imperfectionists (Canada 2010)
Mordecai Richler, Barney's Version (Canada 1998)
Guy Vanderhaeghe, The Englishman's Boy (Canada 1996)
Hernán Rivera Letelier, De filmvertelster (Chili 2009)
Jussi Adler-Olsen, De noodkreet in de fles (Denemarken 2009)
Jens Christian Grøndahl, Indian Summer (Denemarken 1994)
Christian Jungersen, The Exception (Denemarken 2004)
Michael Ende, The Neverending Story (Duitsland 1979)
Jenny Erpenbeck, Visitation (Duitsland 2008)
Wolfram Fleischhauer, Fatal Tango (Duitsland 2001)
Hermann Hesse, Siddharta (Duitsland 1922)
Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf (Duitsland 1927)
Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund (Duitsland 1930)
Oliver Pötzsch, The Hangman's Daughter;" (Duitsland 2008)
Ferdinand von Schirach, De zaak Collini (Duitsland 2011)
Ilija Trojanow, The Collector of Worlds (Duitsland 2008)
Alaa Al Asawy, The Yacoubian Building (Egypte 2002)
Antti Tuomainen, Little Siberia (Finland 2018)
Honoré de Balzac, Eugénie Grandet (Fr 1834)
Honoré de Balzac, Vader Goriot (Fr 1835)
Muriel Barbery, The Elegance of the Hedgehog (Fr 2006)
Nella Bielski, The Year Is ‘42 (Fr 2004)
Laurent Binet, HhhH (Frankrijk 2009)
Philippe Claudel, Grijze zielen (Frankrijk 2003)
Philippe Claudel, Het kleine meisje van meneer Linh (Frankrijk 2005)
Didier Decoin, Vissen voor de Keizer (Frankrijk 2017)
Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo (Frankrijk 1844-46)
Victor Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris (Frankrijk 1831)
Michèle Lesbre, De rode canapé (Frankrijk 2007)
Andreï Makine, The Woman Who Waited (Frankrijk 2004)
Guy de Maupassant, Bel-Ami (Frankrijk 1885)
Marcel Proust, Swann's Way (Frankrijk 1913)
Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove (Frankrijk 1919)
Marcel Proust, The Guermantes Way (Frankrijk 1921-22)
Marcel Proust, Sodom and Gomorrah (Frankrijk, 1922)
Marcel Proust, The Captive (Frankrijk 1923)
Marcel Proust, The Fugitive (Frankrijk 1925)
Marcel Proust, Time Regained (Frankrijk 1927)
Émile Zola, The Fortune of the Rougons (Frankrijk 1870)
Émile Zola, The Kill (Frankrijk 1871-72)
Émile Zola, The Ladies' Paradise (Frankrijk 1883)
Nicholas Tchkotoua, Timeless (Georgië 1949)
Dato Turashvili, Weg uit de USSR (Georgië 2008)
Jacob Ross, The Bone Readers (Grenada 2016)
Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (GB 1980)
Kate Atkinson, Shrines of Gaiety (GB 2022)
Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (GB 1814)
Jo Baker, Longbourn (GB 2013)
R.D. Blackmoor, Lorna Doone (GB 1869)
Jonathan Coe, The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim (GB 2010)
Edmund Crispin, The Glimpses of the Moon (GB 1977)
Stella Duffy, Theodora: Empress, Actress. Whore (GB 2010)
Bella Ellis, The Vanished Bride (GB 2019)
Lissa Evans, Their Finest Hour and a Half (GB 2009)
Lissa Evans, Crooked Heart (GB 2014)
Michel Faber, Under the Skin (GB 2000)
Michel Faber, The Fire Gospel(GB 2008)
Michel Faber, The Book of Strange New Things (GB 2014)
J.G. Farrell, Troubles (Ierland 1970)
J.G. Farrell, The Siege of Krishnapur (Ierland 1973)
J.G. Farrell, The Singapore Grip (Ierland 1978)
Penelope Fitzgerald, The Bookshop (GB 1978)
Ken Follett, A Dangerous Fortune (GB 1993)
Ford Madox Ford, The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion (GB 1915)
Michael Frayn, Skios (GB 2012)
Jane Gardam,The Queen of the Tambourine (GB 1991)
Jane Gardam, Old Filth (GB 2004)
Jane Gardam, The Man in the Wooden Hat (GB 2009)
Jane Gardam, Last Friends (GB 2013)
Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South (GB 1854-55)
Robert Goddard, Into the Blue (GB 1990)
Rumer Godden, Black Narcissus (GB 1939)
Winston Graham, Ross Poldark: A Novel of Cornwall 1783-1787 (GB 1945)
Graham Greene, Travels With My Aunt (GB 1969)
Nicola Griffith, Hild (GB 2013)
George & Weedon Grossmith, The Diary of a Nobody (GB 1888-89)
Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat (GB 1889)
Janice Hallett, The Twyford Code (GB 2021)
Sophie Hannah, The Point of Rescue (GB 2008)
Jane Harris, The Observations (GB 2006)
Jane Harris, Gillespie and I (GB 2011)
Robert Harris, Imperium (GB 2006)
Robert Harris, An Officer and a Spy (GB 2013)
Alis Hawkins, Testament (GB 2008)
Paula Hawkins, The Girl on the Train (GB 2015)
Terry Hayes, I Am Pilgrim (GB 2013)
Natalie Haynes, Stone Blind (GB 2023)
Zoë Heller, The Believers (GB 2008)
Susan Hill, The Man in the Picture (GB 2007)
Tobias Hill, The Hidden (GB 2009)
Peter Hobbs, In the Orchard, the Swallows (GB 2010)
Gill Hornby, Miss Austen (GB 2020)
Anthony Horowitz, The House of Silk (GB 2011
Elizabeth Jane Howard, The Light Years (GB 1990)
Elizabeth Jane Howard, Casting Off (GB 1997)
Elizabeth Jane Howard, All Change (GB 2007)
Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney (GB 2014)
Francis Iles, Malice Aforethought (GB 1931)
Francis Iles, Before the Fact (1932)
Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat (GB 1889)
Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men on the Bummel (GB 1900)
Rachel Joyce, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (GB 2012)
Rachel Joyce, Perfect (GB 2013)
Rachel Joyce, Miss Benson's Beetle (GB 2020)
Vaseem Khan, Midnight at Malabar House (GB 2020)
Vaseem Khan, The Dying Day (GB 2021)
James Lasdun, The Horned Man (GB 2002)
Doris Lessing, The Grass Is Singing (GB 1950)
Peter Lovesey, Dead Gorgeous (GB 1989)
Peter Lovesey, The Reaper (GB 2000)
Rosamund Lupton, Three Hours (GB 2020)
Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall (GB 2009)
Hilary Mantel, Bring Up the Bodies (GB 2012)
Florence Marryat, The Blood of the Vampire (GB 1897)
Alex Marwood, The Killer Next Door (GB 2013)
William Somerset Maugham, The Painted Veil (GB 1925)
Val McDermid, The Grave Tattoo (GB 2006)
Ian McEwan, On Chesil Beach (GB 2007)
Ian McEwan, Solar (GB 2010)
Ian McEwan, Sweet Tooth (GB 2012)
Ian McEwan, The Children Act (GB 2014)
Ian McEwan, Machines Like Me (GB 2019)
Ian McEwan, The Cockroach (GB 2019)
James Meek, The People's Act of Love (GB 2005)
David Mitchell, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (GB 2010)
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks (GB 2014)
David Mitchell, Slade House (GB 2015)
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue (GB 2020)
Sarah Moss, Cold Earth (GB 2009)
Christopher Nicholson, The Elephant Keeper (GB 2009)
Catherine O'Flynn, What Was Lost (GB 2007)
Catherine O'Flynn, The News Where You Are (GB 2010)
Richard Osman, The Man Who Died Twice (GB 2021)
Iain Pears, Stone's Fall (GB 2009)
Sarah Perry, After Me Comes the Flood (GB 2014)
Marie Phillips, Gods Behaving Badly (GB 2007)
Natasha Pulley, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street (GB 2015)
Philip Pullman, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ (GB 2010)
Barbara Pym, Excellent Women (GB 1952)
Barbara Pym, A Glass of Blessings (GB 1958)
Barbara Pym, Jane and Prudence (GB 1953)
Barbara Pym, Less Than Angels (GB 1955)
Barbara Pym, Some Tame Gazelle (GB 1950)
Ross Raisin, God's Own Country (GB 2008)
James Robertson, Joseph Knight (GB 2003)
James Robertson, The Testament of Gideon Mack (GB 2006)
Peter Robinson, Piece of my Heart (GB 2007)
Jennifer Ryan, The Chillbury Ladies' Choir (GB 2017)
Jennifer Saint, Ariadne (GB 2021)
Jennifer Saint, Elektra (GB 2022)
C.J. Sansom, Dissolution (GB 2003)
C.J. Sansom, Dark Fire (GB 2004)
C.J. Sansom, Sovereign (GB 2006)
C.J. Sansom, Heartstone (GB 2010)
C.J. Sansom, Lamentation (GB 2014)
Nat Segnit, Pub Walks in Underhill Country (GB 2011)
Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale (GB 2008)
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, or: The Modern Prometheus GB 1818)
Neema Shah, Kololo Hill (GB 2021)
Helen Simonson, Major Pettigrew's Last Stand (GB 2010)
Alexander McCall Smith, Tears of the Giraffe (GB 2000)
Ali Smith, The Accidental (GB 2006)
Ali Smith, Girl Meets Boy (GB, 2007)
Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle (GB 1949)
Muriel Spark, Memento Mori (GB 1959)
Muriel Spark, Aiding and Abetting (GB 2000)
Mari Strachan, The Earth Hums in B Flat (GB 2009)
Rosemary Sutcliff, The Eagle of the Ninth (GB 1954)
Rosemary Sutcliff, The Silver Branch (GB 1957)
Graham Swift, Mothering Sunday: A Romance (GB 2016)
Rosy Thornton, Hearts and Minds (GB 2007)
Rosy Thornton, Crossed Wires (GB 2008)
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (GB 1937)
S.K. Tremayne, The Ice Twins (GB 2015)
Anthony Trollope, Orley Farm (GB 1862)
Anthony Trollope, Can You forgive Her? (GB 1864-65)
Stuart Turton, The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle (GB 2018)
Salley Vickers, Miss Garnet's Angel (GB 2000)
Jo Walton, The Just City (GB 2014)
Sylvia Townsend Warner, Lolly Willowes or: The Loving Huntsman (GB 1926)
Sarah Waters, The Night Watch (GB 2006)
Sarah Waters, The Little Stranger (GB 2009)
Rebecca West, The Return of the Soldier (GB 1918)
T.H. White, The Once and Future King, boek 1 t/m 3 (1938-1940)
A.N. Wilson, A Jealous Ghost (GB 2005)
Sarah Winman, Tin Man (GB 2017)
Jeanette Winterson, Weight (GB 2005)
Jeanette Winterson, The Gap of Time (GB 2015)
Edwidge Danticat, Breath, Eyes, Memory (Haïti 1994)
Dezsö Kosztolányi, Skylark (Hongarije 1924)
Magda Szabo, The Door (Hongarije 1987)
Antal Szerb, Reis bij maanlicht (Hongarije 1937)
Miklós Vámos, The Book of Fathers (Hongarije 2000)
John Banville, The Infinities (Ierland 2009)
Benjamin Black, The Silver Swan (Ierland 2007)
Benjamin Black, The Secret Guests (Ierland 2020)
John Boyne, A Ladder to the Sky (Ierland 2018)
John Connolly, Every Dead Thing (Ierland 1999)
John Connolly, The Book of Lost Things (Ierland 2006)
Tana French, In the Woods (Ierland 2007)
Tana French, The Likeness (Ierland 2008)
Tana French, Faithful Place (Ierland 2010)
Tana French, Broken Harbour (Ierland 2012)
Jennifer Johnston, The Gingerbread Woman (Ierland 2000)
Jennifer Johnston, Naming the Stars (Ierland 2015)
Molly Keane, Good Behaviour (Ierland 1981)
Claire Kilroy, All Summer (Ier 2003)
Claire Kilroy, Tenderwire (Ier 2006)
Colum McCann, Zoli (Ierland 2006)
Colum McCann, TransAtlantic (Ierland 2013)
Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir, The Greenhouse (IJsland 2009)
Olaf Olafsson, Restoration (IJsland 2012)
Sjón, The Blue Fox (IJsland 2004)
Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Hemel en hel (IJsland 2007)
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Sister of My Heart (India 1999)
Amitav Ghosh, The Glass Palace (India 2000)
Amitav Ghosh, Sea of Poppies (India 2008)
Amitav Ghosh, River of Smoke (India 2011)
Amitav Ghosh, Flood of Fire (India 2015)
Alka Joshi, The Henna Artist (India 2020)
Alka Joshi, The Secret Keeper of Jaipur (India 2021)
Karan Mahajan, Family Planning (India 2008)
Rabindranath Tagore, The Home and the World (India 1915-16)
Kader Abdolah, Het huis van de moskee (Iran 2005)
Anita Amirrezvani, The Blood of Flowers (Iran 2007)
Benjamin Tammuz, Minotaur (Israël 1980)
Niccolò Ammaniti, The Crossroads (Italië 2006)
Paolo Cognetti, De acht bergen (Italië 2016)
Franco Faggiani, Het jaar dat Shizo Kanakuri verdween (Italië 2019)
Elena Ferrante, The Days of Abandonment (Italië 2002)
Elena Ferrante, De geniale vriendin (Italië 2011)
Rita Monaldi & Francesco Sorti, Imprimatur (Italië 2007)
Rita Monaldi & Francesco Sorti, Versluiering (Italië 2011)
Takashi Hiraide, De kat (Japan 2003)
Hiromi Kawakami, Strange Weather in Tokyo (Japan 2001)
Yukio Mishima, Spring Snow (Japan 1968)
Soseki Natsume, I Am a Cat (Japan 1905-06)
Yoko Ogawa, The Housekeeper and the Professor (Japan 2003)
Miki Sakamoto, De eeuw van de kersenbloesem (Japan 2011)
Akimitsu Takagi, The Tattoo Murder Case (Japan 1948)
Junichiro Tanizaki, The Makioka Sisters (Japan, 1942-48)
Imbolo Mbue, Behold the Dreamers (Kameroen 2016)
Saud Alsanousi, The Bamboo Stalk (Koeweit 2012)
Tsjingiz Aitmatov, Afscheid van Goelsarý (Kyrgyzstan 1980)
Rabih Alameddine, An Unnecessary Woman (Libanon 2013)
Yangsze Choo, The Ghost Bride (Maleisië 2013)
Yangsze Choo, The Night Tiger (Maleisië 2019)
Tan Twan Eng, The Garden of Evening Mists (Maleisië, 2012)
Natacha Appanah, The Last Brother (Mauritius 2007)
Vinod Busjeet, Silent Winds, Dry Seas (Mauritius 2021)
Juan Pablo Villalobos, Down the Rabbit Hole (Mexico 2010)
Jan van Aken, De valse dageraad (Nl 2001)
Jan van Aken, De afvallige (Nl 2013)
Jan van Aken, De dwaas van Palmyra (Nl 2014)
Gerbrand Bakker, De omweg (Nl 2010)
Bernlef, De pianoman (Nl 2008)
Ellen de Bruin, Kraaien in het paradijs (Nl 2021)
Esther Gerritsen, Roxy (Nl 2014)
Hella Haasse, De scharlaken stad (Nl 1952)
Hella Haasse, Heren van de thee (Nl 1992)
W.F. Hermans, De donkere kamer van Damokles (Nl 1958)
W.F. Hermans, Nooit meer slapen (Nl 1966)
Arthur Japin, Vaslav (Nederland 2010)
Erik Menkveld, Het grote zwijgen (Nederland 2011)
Jan van Mersbergen, Naar de overkant van de nacht (Nl 2011)
Thomas Olde Heuvelt, HEX (Nl 2016)
Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Grand Hotel Europa (Nederland 2018)
Wanda Reisel, Nacht over Westwoud (Nl 2011)
Thomas Rosenboom, Gewassen vlees (Nl 1994)
Erik Rozing, Het beste voor iedereen (Nl 2019)
P.F. Thomése, De weldoener (Nl 2010)
Nieuw Zeeland
Eleanor Catton, The Luminaries (Nieuw-Zeeland 2013)
Lloyd Jones, Mister Pip (Nieuw Zeeland 2006)
H.G. Parry, The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep (Nieuw-Zeeland 2019)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Purple Hibiscus (Nigeria 2004)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Half of a Yellow Sun (Nigeria 2006)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah (Nigeria 2013)
Oyinkan Braithwaite, My Sister the Serial Killer (Nigeria 2018)
Teju Cole, Open City (Nigeria 2011)
Abi Daré, The Girl With the Louding Voice (Nigeria 2020)
Femi Kayode, Lightseekers (Nigeria 2021)
Helen Oyeyemi, Mister Fox (Nigeria 2011)
Lola Shoneyin, The Secret Lives of Baba Segi Wives (Nigeria 2010)
Karl Ove Knausgård, Vader (Noorwegen 2009)
Karl Ove Knausgård, Liefde (Noorwegen 2009)
Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi, Kintu (Oeganda 2014)
Marlen Haushofer, De wand (Oostenrijk 1963)
Joseph Roth, Radetzky March (Oostenrijk 1932)
Adalbert Stifter, Rock Crystal (Oostenrijk 1853)
Stegan Zweig, Chess (Oostenrijk, 1942)
Nadeem Aslam, The Wasted Vigil (GB/Pakistan 2008)
Mohsin Hamid, The Reluctant Fundamentalist (Pakistan 2007)
Mohammed Hanif, A Case of Exploding Mangoes (Pakistan 2008)
José Saramago, All the Names (Portugal 1997)
Boris Akuni, The Winter Queen (Rusland 1998)
Gaito Gazdanov, The Spectre of Alexander Wolf (Rusland 1947-48)
Mikhail Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time (Rusland 1840)
Leo Tolstoy, The Kreutzer Sonata (Rusland 1889)
Ivan Toergenjev, Home of the Gentry (Rusland 1859)
Ivan Toergenjev, First Love (Rusland 1860)
Anton Tsjechov, The Shooting Party (Rusland 1885)
Sierra Leone
Aminatta Forna, Ancestor Stones (Sierra Leone 2007)
Namina Forna, The Gilded Ones (Sierra Leone 2021)
Arturo Pérez-Reverte, The Fencing Master (Spanje 1988)
Arturo Pérez-Reverte, The Seville Communion (Spanje 1995)
Yudhanjaya Wijeratne, Numbercaste (Sri Lanka 2017)
Zeyn Joukhadar, The Map of Salt and Stars (Syrië 2018)
Monique Roffey, The Mermaid of Black Conch (Trinidad 2020)
Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis (Tsjechië 1915)
Verenigde Staten
Rumaan Alam, Leave the World Behind (VS 2020)
Tina McElroy Ansa, Ugly Ways (VS 1993)
Shalom Auslander, Hope: A Tragedy (VS 2011)
Dorothy Baker, Cassandra at the Wedding (VS 1962)
Nicholson Baker, The Anthologist (VS 2009)
David Baldacci, Total Power (VS 1996)
Amy Bloom, Away (VS 2007)
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 (VS 1953)
Octavia Butler, Kindred (VS 1979)
Caleb Carr, The Angel of Darkness (VS 1997)
Willa Cather, Death Comes for the Archbishop (VS 1927)
Becky Chambers, The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (VS 2014)
James Clavell, Shogun (VS 1975)
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games (VS 2008)
Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire (VS 2009)
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay (VS 2010)
Nicholas Christopher, The Bestiary (VS 2007)
Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle (VS 1962)
Anthony Doerr, Cloud Cuckoo Land (VS 2021)
Keith Donohue, The Stolen Child (VS 2006)
Dave Eggers, The Circle (VS 2013)
Jeffrey Eugenides, The Marriage Plot (V 2011)
Selden Edwards, The Little Book (VS 2008)
John Fante, Wait Until Spring, Bandini (VS 1938)
Joshua Ferris, Then We Came to the End (VS 2007)
Joshua Ferris, A Calling for Charlie Barnes (VS 2021)
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl (VS 2012)
Karen Joy Fowler, We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves (VS 2013)
Jonathan Franzen, Freedom (VS 2010)
Diana Gabaldon, Outlander (VS 1991)
Diana Gabaldon, Dragonfly in Amber (VS 1993)
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager (VS 1994)
Lisa Gardner, The Perfect Husband (VS 1998)
Bonnie Garmus, Lessons in Chemistry (VS 2022)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper (VS 1892)
William Giraldi, Busy Monsters (VS 2011)
Allegra Goodman, Intuition (VS 2006)
Genevieve Gornichec, The Witch's Heart (VS 2021)
John Grisham, The Litigators (VS 2011)
John Grisham, The Racketeer (VS 2012)
John Grisham, The Whistler (VS 2016)
Lauren Groff, The Monsters of Templeton (VS 2008)
Lauren Groff, Fates and Furies (VS 2015)
Lauren Groff, Matrix (VS 2021)
David Guterson, The Final Case (VS 2022)
Noah Hawley, Before the Fall (VS 2016)
Mark Helprin, Winter's Tale (VS 1983)
Joshua Henkin, Matrimony (VS 2007)
Joe Hill, The Fireman (VS 2016)
Russell Hoban, Turtle Diary (VS 1975)
Robin Hobb, Assassin's Apprentice (VS 1995)
Robin Hobb, Royal Assassin (VS 1996)
Robin Hobb, Assassin's Quest (VS 1997)
Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God (VS 1937)
Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House (VS 1959)
Henry James, The Turn of the Screw (VS 1898)
N.K. Jemisin, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (VS 2010)
N.K. Jemisin, The Broken Kingdoms (VS 2010)
N.K. Jemisin, The Fifth Season (VS 2015)
N.K. Jemisin, The Obelisk Gate (VS 2016)
N.K. Jemisin, The Stone Sky (VS 2017)
Denis Johnson, Traindreams (VS 2011)
Intisar Khanani, Thorn (VS 2012)
Intisar Khanani, Sunbolt (VS 2013)
Intisar Khanani, Memories of Ash (VS 2016)
Laurie R. King, The Beekeeper's Apprentice (VS 1994)
Laurie R. King, A Monstrous Regiment of Women (VS 1995)
Laurie R. King, O Jerusalem (VS 1999)
Stephen King, 11/22/63 (VS 2011)
Stephen King, Finders Keepers (VS 2015)
John Knowles, A Separate Peace (VS 1959)
Jhumpa Lahiri, The Namesake (VS 2003 )
William Landay, Defending Jacob (VS 2012)
Alice LaPlante, Turn of Mind (VS 2011)
Ann Leckie, Ancillary Justice (VS 2013)
Elinor Lipman, Then She Found Me (VS 1990)
Elinor Lipman, The Inn at Lake Devine (VS 1998)
Elinor Lipman, Rachel to the Rescue (VS 2020)
David Liss, A Conspiracy of Paper (VS 2000)
David Liss, The Coffee Trader (VS 2003)
David Liss, The Ethical Assassin (VS 2006)
David Liss, The Whiskey Rebels (VS 2008)
Attica Locke, Black Water Rising (VS 2009)
Attica Locke, The Cutting Season (VS 2012)
Attica Locke, Pleasantville (V 2015)
Attica Locke, Bluebird Bluebird (VS 2017)
Benjamin Markovits, Imposture (VS 2007)
Benjamin Markovits, A Quiet Adjustment (VS 2008)
George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones (VS 1996)
George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings (VS 1998)
George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords (V 2000)
George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows (VS 2005)
George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons (VS 2011)
Valerie Martin, Property (VS 2003)
William Maxwell, The Château (VS 1961)
Herman Melville, Bartleby the Scrivener (VS 1853)
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles (VS 2012)
Madeline Miller, Circe (VS 2018)
Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus (VS 2011)
Christopher Morley, Parnassus on Wheels (V 1917)
Toni Morrison, A Mercy (VS 2008)
Patrick Ness, The Knife of Never Letting Go (VS 2008)
Patrick Ness, The Ask and the Answer (VS 2009)
Patrick Ness, Monsters of Men (VS 2010)
Celeste Ng, Everything I Never Told You (VS 2014)
Naomi Novik, Uprooted (VS 2016)
Nnedi Okorafor, Binti (VS 2015)
Julie Otsuka, The Buddha in the Attic (VS 2011)
Ruth Ozeki, A Tale for the Time Being (VS 2013)
Carolyn Parkhurst, The Dogs of Babel (VS 2003)
Ed Parks, Personal Days (VS 2008)
Ann Patchett, Bel Canto (VS 2001)
Ann Patchett, Run (VS 2007)
Ann Patchett, State of Wonder (VS 2011)
Walker Percy, The Moviegoer (VS 1960)
Arthur Phillips, The Egyptologist (VS 2004)
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar (VS 1963)
Ron Rash, Serena (VS 2008)
Kiley Reid, Such a Fun Age (VS 2020)
Meg Rosoff, Jonathan Unleashed (VS 2016)
Timothy Schaffert, The Coffins of Little Hope (VS 2011)
Cathleen Schine, The Three Weissmanns of Westport (VS 2010)
Cathleen Schine, The Grammarians (VS 2019)
Maria Semple, Where 'd You Go, Bernadette? (VS 2012)
David Shafer, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (VS 2014)
Leanne Shapton, Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion and Jewery (VS 2009)
Mary Sharratt, Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen (VS 2012)
Robin Sloan, Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore (VS 2012)
Wallace Stegner, Crossing to Safety (VS 1987)
Matthew Sullivan, Midnight at the Bright Ideas Book Store (VS 2017)
Sheri S. Tepper, Grass (VS 1989)
Sheri S. Tepper, The Family Tree (VS 1997)
Amor Towles, A Gentleman in Moscow (VS 2016)
P.J. Tracy, Live Bait (VS 2004)
Jonathan Tropper, How to Talk to a Widower (VS, 2007)
Anne Tyler, A Patchwork Planet (VS 1999)
Anne Tyler, Noah's Compass (VS 2009)
Anne Tyler, A Spool of Blue Thread (VS 2015)
Anne Tyler, Redhead by the Side of the Road (VS 2020)
Susan Vreeland, Girl in Hyacinth Blue (VS 1991)
Amy Waldman, Submission (VS 2011)
Malena Watrous, If You Follow Me (VS 2010)
Thornton Wilder, The Bridge of San Luis Rey (VS 1927)
John Williams, Butcher's Crossing (VS 1960)
John Williams, Stoner (VS 1965)
John Williams, Augustus (VS 1972)
Tad Williams, Tailchaser's Song (V 1985)
Connie Willis, Lincoln's Dreams (VS 1987)
Connie Willis, To Say Nothing of the Dog (VS 1998)
Connie Willis, Blackout (VS 2010)
Connie Willis, All Clear (VS 2010)
Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry (VS 2014)
Namwali Serpell, The Old Drift (Zambia 2019)
Petina Gappah, An Elegy for Easterly (Zimbabwe 2009)
Petina Gappah, Out of Darkness, Shining Light (Zimbabwe 2019)
Lauren Beukes, The Shining Girls (Zuid-Afrika 2013)
J.M. Coetzee, Boyhood (Zuid-Afrika 1997)
J.M. Coetzee, Youth (Zuid-Afrika 2002)
J.M. Coetzee, Summertime (Zuid-Afrika 2009)
Damon Galgut, In a Strange Room (Zuid-Afrika 2010)
Damon Galgut, The Promise (Zuid-Afrika 2021)
Kyun-Sook Shin, Please Look After Mom (Zuid-Korea 2008)
Wondra Chang, Sonju (Zuid-Korea 2021)
Torgny Lindgren, Het licht (Zweden 1987)
Torgny Lindgren, Het ultieme recept (Zweden 2002)
Hjalmar Söderberg, Doctor Glas (Zweden 1905)